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Friday 8 November 2013

Golela - highway to KZN through Swaziland

Golela borderpost to Swaziland is the only commercial border post in KwaZulu-Natal to Swaziland. Good tarred roads on both sides of the border makes this a popular and busy borderpost between the 2 countries. It is a short 10 km north from the N2 through the Pongola Biosphere Reserve, just west of the impressive Jozini dam. In total 40 km from Pongola on the western side.

The majority of visitors at this border post are tourists from KwaZulu-Natal to the Kruger National Park, the lowveld of Mpumalanga, or to Mozambique.

We reached Golela from Swaziland's side (Lavumisa border post) and the road on that side was in equally good condition. The crossing from Swaziland went smooth and efficient. Passports are scanned and processed electronically. No forms to be completed.

The buildings on the South African side are modern and very different from all the border posts we have visited so far. It was upgraded during 2010 but there are still construction work in progress. The many trucks and other commercial traffic that requires SARS and customs intervention creates some confusion, but should disappear when the construction work is completed.

This was the last of the eleven border posts to Swaziland that we visited.

Entering South Africa from Lavumisa
Construction work at Golela hides the modern and efficient buildings
Tamper proof toilets at Golela border post
Palmtrees and sugar cane fields next to the N2 from Pongola
Road through the Pongola Biosphere Reserve leading to Golela border post