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Saturday, 2 November 2013

Half-way around South Africa

The visit to Beit Bridge border post signalled the half-way mark of our border post tour in many ways. We started in Cape Town and moved up the West Coast to follow the border posts in a clockwise direction. At Beit Bridge we have completed:

  • Visits to all 7 border posts to Namibia
  • Visits to all 17 border posts to Botswana
  • Visit to the only border post to Zimbabwe
  • Visits to a total of 33 ports of entry (including airports and harbours)
  • About 7,000 of the expected 12,000 kilometers
  • 28 days of the expected 54 days on tour
  • Touring through the very dry but beautiful western part of South Africa

We now turn south-east, looking forward to the Mozambique, Swaziland and Lesotho border posts with a few airports and harbours along the way.

Enjoy the journey with us !