Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Final post

This is the final post on this Blog. This project was completed successfully and opened new opportunities.

The Blog will remain intact, so you can still browse all the links and research previous posts as you wish.

More information may be found at our Facebook page:

Click here to view photobook 1 or photobook 2 of our project.

Thank you for all the support that we enjoyed.


A new, exciting project was started and can be followed at: www.saramsar.com

Tuesday, 12 August 2014


A video of the tour to all the SA Ports of entry is now available on Youtube. This is an edited version of a 50-minute video that was made. It shows the route that was followed and stops at all the border posts, airports, and harbours. 

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

July 2014 magazine articles

The publishers of the Drive Out magazine gave me permission to publish the articles about our visits to the border posts on this Blog.

Click here to read the 4th article of a 4 part series from the July 2014 edition.

Earlier articles were posted on previous posts on this blog.


Die uitgewers van die WEGRY tydskrif het my toestemming gegee om die artikels oor ons besoeke aan die grensposte op die Blog te publiseer.

Kliek hier om die vierde van vier artikels te lees wat in die Julie 2014 uitgawe verskyn het.

Vorige artikels is gepos onder vorige inskrywings op die blog.

June 2014 magazine articles

The publishers of the Drive Out magazine gave me permission to publish the articles about our visits to the border posts on this Blog.

Click here to read the 3rd article of a 4 part series from the June 2014 edition.

Earlier articles were posted on previous posts on this blog.


Die uitgewers van die WEGRY tydskrif het my toestemming gegee om die artikels oor ons besoeke aan die grensposte op die Blog te publiseer.

Kliek hier om die derde van vier artikels te lees wat in die Junie 2014 uitgawe verskyn het.

Vorige artikels is gepos onder vorige inskrywings op die blog.

May 2014 magazine article

The publishers of the Drive Out magazine gave me permission to publish the articles about our visits to the border posts on this Blog.

Click here to read the 2nd article of a 4 part series from the May 2014 edition.

Earlier articles were posted on previous posts.


Die uitgewers van die WEGRY tydskrif het my toestemming gegee om die artikels oor ons besoeke aan die grensposte op die Blog te publiseer.

Kliek hier om die tweede van vier artikels te lees wat in die Mei 2014 uitgawe verskyn het.

Vorige artikels is gepos onder vorige inskrywings op die blog.

Magazine articles now available on the Blog

The publishers of the Drive Out magazine gave me permission to publish the articles about our visits to the border posts on this Blog.

Click here  to read the 1st article of a 4 part series from the April 2014 edition.


Die uitgewers van die WEGRY tydskrif het my toestemming gegee om die artikels oor ons besoeke aan die grensposte op die Blog te publiseer.

Kliek hier om die eerste van vier artikels te lees wat in die April 2014 uitgawe verskyn het.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Fourth and Final article now in print

The final article of the 4 part series is now available in the July edition of DRIVEOUT. This article covers our visits to the 14 border posts into Lesotho.

Die laaste artikel in die reeks van 4 is nou beskikbaar in die Julie uitgawe van WEGRY. Die artikel gaan oor ons besoeke aan die 14 grensposte na Lesotho.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

June 2014 editions now available

The June edition of DRIVEOUT with the 3rd of our 4 part series is now available in book stores country wide. The article is about our visit to the border posts entering Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Swaziland.

Die Junie uitgawe van WEGRY met die 3e artikel van ons 4 dele reeks is nou beskikbaar in boekwinkels landwyd. In die artikel gaan dit oor ons besoek aan die grensposte na Zimbabwe, Mosambiek en Swaziland.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Next article in four part series now in print

Second article in a four-part series appears in the May edition of Driveout. This article is about our visit to the 17 border posts with Botswana.

Tweede artikel in reeks van vier verskyn in Mei uitgawe van WegRY (Afrikaans) en DriveOut (Engels). In die artikel gaan dit oor ons besoek aan al 17 grensposte na Botswana.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Articles on SA Ports of Entry now published

The magazine articles about our tour to all the ports of entry to South Africa are now in print !

The first article of a 4 part series is now available:

WegRY the April 2014 issue (#59) - Afrikaans

Drive Out, the April 2014 issue (#75) - English

Thanks again to all the sponsors and to everyone who showed an interest and followed us.

Happy reading.